Upcoming reading event: The Anarchist Kosher Cookbook at Porter Square Books
Drop your dreidel and feast your eyes on the Anarchist Kosher Cookbook from CLASHBooks! Maxwell Bauman will be reading from his debut...

Purim 2018, Ninjew Style
Happy Purim everybody! I'm dressed as a Ninjew doing a reading from my collection of Jewish-themed horror/ humor stories, The Anarchist...

Maxwell Bauman's First YouTube Video
My name is Maxwell Bauman. YouTube has been around for years, and now I'm finally jumping in with videos of my own talking about books,...

Setting the order: How Door Is A Jar literary magazine takes its shake
We published a special blog about how the order is set in Door Is A Jar literary magazine in comparison to how song and albums are...

Fetishes of Light
Jewrotica published my short story "Fetishes of Light," a dirty twist on lighting the Chanukah candles. http://jewrotica.org/2016/12/feti...

I'll Sheol You Mine, If You Sheol Me Yours
Jewrotica published my short story "I'll Sheol You Mine, If You Sheol Me Yours" about a ghost trying to lose her virginity. It's...

Lego Dali Lincoln
The Brothers Brick blogged about my Lego Dali Lincoln model. I've been trying to build something to get their attention for about three...

When the Bush Burns
Jewrotica.org published my short story "When the Bush Burns," a twisted Passover story. Here is a link to the story:...

My Top 7 NSFW Web Comics
I this is a ranking of my seven favorite web comics. All of these comics are NSFW and cover a wide spectrum of topics in sexuality. Each...

Is It Time For Coffee?
I've meant to do more blogging, but I've let myself fall behind. So for this one, I'm going to keep the focus on a simple topic: coffee....