Upcoming reading event: The Anarchist Kosher Cookbook at Porter Square Books

Drop your dreidel and feast your eyes on the Anarchist Kosher Cookbook from CLASHBooks! Maxwell Bauman will be reading from his debut collection of strange Jewish-themed stories. He will shock and entertain with a modern twist on burning bushes, virgin ghosts, leviathans, Baphomitzvahs, and how to create your own golem to fight off Neo Nazis. These stories transcend the mundane meshuggahs of life through page turning plots and memorable mensch and schmuck characters. The Anarchist Kosher Cookbook is the perfect Bubbe approved Chanukah gift. The event is Friday July 27th at Porter Square Books (25 White St., Cambridge, MA 02140) The reading starts at 7pm, followed by questions from the audience, and then a book signing.
Link to the event via Porter Square book's page:
Facebook event page: